Mommy Elsa Vogue Interview | Disney Princess Frozen Elsa Games | Games For Kids

2016-10-28 1

Mommy Elsa Vogue Interview | Disney Princess Frozen Elsa Games | Games For Kids\r
Mommy Elsa Vogue Interview, is for all Frozen fans where you have the chance to see princess Elsa as a mommy. She has a beautiful baby and now she is both a princess and a mom. In this game the Vogue magazine decided to take an interview with princess Elsa and the interviewer will be Elsa`s sister, princess Anna. Anna will ask the questions and you have to answer for princess Elsa. At the end of the game you can see the Vogue magazine with princess Elsa and her beautiful baby on the cover and the result after the interview. In this game you need your mouse to answer the questions. Be careful and think well what would Elsa answer before you chose on of the three answer options. In this game at the top of the screen you can see the question and under it will be the options. In the right side of princess Anna and in the left is Elsa and her baby. They are sitting on the couch during the interview for the Vogue magazine. One of the questions is about how it is the life with a baby. Another one is where would go Elsa in vacation.